Contact Our Registrars with Any Questions or for More Information at [email protected]
Hello Jaier Players and Parents! Time for Soccer! But first, we need to get you registered for this year. All Players need to register.
What you need to provide to play:
1. Copy of your players Birth Certificate, this is required by Michigan. If you are a returning player, and, your birth certificate is already in your Gotsoccer Account, you do not need a copy. If you are not sure, provide one anyway.
2. Printed Registration Form, Notarized. After you register, print the form, have it notarized (and signed). This can be done at most banks or credit unions. We need the hard copy for the coaches and the uploaded copy for the Michigan Registrar.
*Please upload your birth certificate and player registration/medical form into your Gotsoccer account. Label the Birth Certificate "Birth Cert" and label the registration form "2012-2013 Registration". If you have any issues, please contact us through our website. It is the responsibility of each Parent to ensure that these forms and picture are uploaded into your Gotsoccer account and to maintain the accuracy of your players information in Gotsoccer. We communicate a significant amount of information via e-mail and the website. All e-mails have Jaier in the subject line, so ensure your spam filters recognize this. If you are using your players e-mail address for communications, please enforce the importance of e-mails from Jaier.
3. Payment for the season. When registering, you will see the fees for the year and what is due by when. Make a note of this and send a check or pay by credit card for the season. If you are unclear on your fees, please see the website... registration page. The fee schedule is listed.
Registration Instructions:
1. Login with your user and password that were e-mailed to you as part of the initial registration. If you are not sure, click the registration link then click on password look-up. DO NOT create another account if you have one already.
2. Do Not add a new account if you have a user ID and password, this will create a duplicate account,and, problems with your registration.
3. Once you login, complete all of the information. Print your form. Notarize and sign your form. Upload your form into your player profile by logging into your account (Profile, upload club documents). Upload your Birth certificate. Label the Birth Certificate "Birth Cert" and label the registration form "2013/2014" Registration.
4. Upload a player head-shot picture. This is for the player cards printed by the State.
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact the Jaier registrar Here.... [email protected]